The Looming Food Crisis In wealthy nations as well as in poor ones, consumers express alarm about fast-rising food prices, and their governments are well aware that shortages can quickly translate into unrest and political crisis. Complaints today may be mild compared with those looming ahead unless governments take steps to curb policies that encourage speculation, warns economist David Dapice. Subsidies that divert corn to ethanol fuel reduce food supplies and add to price rise. Despite extreme weather events in some exporting nations, per-capita food production has climbed in recent years, he explains... More News... Revolution 2.0: Democracy Promotion in the Age of Social Media Mark Sedra Globe and Mail, 18 February 2011 A free and open internet spreads the best ideas and unnerves the powerful What Somali Pirates Reveal About the Global Economy Matthew Lynn The Financial Times, 18 February 2011 Somalian pirates give new meaning to cut-throat business practices Huawei in Challenge to US Stephanie Kirchgaessner, Kathrin Hille The Financial Times, 17 February 2011 US regulators uncover a foreign high-tech investment using social media site |
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