ARTICLES | | Overwhelming Evidence that Your Heart CANNOT Survive without This Nutrient... Deficiency can cause dangerous arterial stiffness, but pliable flexible arteries keep the blood flowing freely. Women with higher levels reduce their risk of heart disease death by 1/3... if you're diabetic and ignore this, you'll double your risk of heart disease. Bonus: American Heart Association's 7 points for 'ideal cardiovascular health' - how do YOU rate? The 'Other' Sweetener That's Made from Sugar, but is Closer to DDT Since aspartame is clearly bad news, many people have turned to THIS sweetener, believing it's a healthier alternative. Not only does it destroy up to HALF of your GUT flora, it can cause seizures, GI problems, dizziness, blurred vision, an increase in blood sugar AND cause you to pile on unwanted pounds. If a Shark Bit Off Your Arm, Would You See Your Life as a Blessing?  An inspirational story about how to turn a traumatic event into a newfound appreciation for life. The Spice that Actually Doubles as a Powerful Anti-Inflammatory Ancient cultures have valued this spice for its therapeutic properties and flavor for thousands of years. Are you using it in your cooking? | | |
FROM DR. MERCOLA'S LIBRARY | Throw Away Your Glasses and Contact Lenses for Good! Discover the simple, safe and proven approach for eliminating your vision problems once and for all. Reclaim your vision without the risks and expense of LASIK eye surgery by following this science-based program. It has worked for tens of thousands of people, including Dr. Mercola. And, it can work for you, too. | | Follow Dr. Mercola on | | | Quote of the Day: | Climb the mountains and get their good tidings. Nature's peace will flow into you as sunshine flows into trees. The winds will blow their own freshness into you, and the storms their energy, while cares will drop off like autumn leaves | - John Muir | | |
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