Natural Defense against Early Summer Sunburn | * Limited Time Offer! * | Finally, a vitamin D producing system I can heartily recommend... an ideal way to obtain optimal vitamin D levels that are just right - not too high, not too low. And a great way to help prevent damaging sunburn.
Outdoor sunlight isn't always a viable option. You may be busy when the sun's rays are at their best. Or it may be cold, rainy, or cloudy for weeks on end.
Now, never lack for rays again...
Imagine... in the privacy, comfort, and cleanliness of your own home, get UVB rays for vitamin D, UVA rays for tanning, red light for a more youthful appearance, and blue light for skin health. (Varies by product.)
No drive time... and you'll save on gas!
Your ultimate in convenience - choose from stand-up units that mount on a door and are never in your way... Vitality beds for lying down and relaxing while tanning... or the all-new stand-up booth that literally surrounds you with rays for the shortest tan in the industry. All units plug into standard 120v outlets.
So bring your tanning salon home today. For a limited time, when you buy any Home Tanning System, get FREE Shipping and Handing on your entire order!
Plus get... $100 off any Sunsplash Stand-Up Tanning Unit and $200 off any Vitality Tanning Bed or Stand-up Booth A perfect strategy to prepare your skin and help prevent sunburn before your first big day at the beach, lake or ballpark. And to use any time you miss the midday sun.
Hurry! Good only while supplies last... ends on March 14th. | |
ARTICLES | | The Hidden Perpetrator of Sinus Infections - Found in 96% of Mayo Study Participants Discovered in 1999 by the Mayo Clinic, but still largely unknown even by doctors... Avoid this "stimulus" to greatly reduce your sinus infection odds, because antibiotics are almost always ineffective. Plus discover natural fixes, including the 2 foods that can burn congestion away.
How Honest Is Your Doctor? A new U.S. survey reveals shocking information about the doctor-patient relationship, including the unsettling percentage of physicians who have lied to their patients within the past year... | | |
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